



DOUANACO SARL is a Congolese company working mainly in the customs sector. It has an extensive representation network with offices at all border posts in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thanks to its team of experts and its appropriate tools, DOUANACO SARL provides  its customers with quality service. It aims to link the DRC to the rest of the world


About Us



Our Vision and Missions :


We aspire to become a reference and a leader in customs transit  offering an exceptional experience to our customers throughreliable, fast and hassle-free service.

We actively and effectively participate in the development of international trade in the DRC.

  • Organize and protect their property;
  • Support them in all administrative proce­dures, etc

With DOUANACO, the world is at your doorstep!

We give ourselves for missions :


For the customer:
  • Facilitate its exchanges between the DRC and the rest of the world,
  • Build a global network of logistics services, from suppliers to end
  • Improve productivity and reduce operational costs
  • Ensure quick and simple service;
For the Community:

Through the creation of employment and through a policy of capacity building according to international standards, DOUA­NACO SARL aims to be a lever for social and economic development; especially for each local community where it oper­ates in the Democratic Republic of theCongo.


Our values :


Corporate values represent our beliefs, govern our actions and guide our work. They are the foundation of how we work with our colleagues, clients, partners and others. They determine how we try to achieve our objectives. At DOUANACO SARL, we have six

  • Professionalism
  • Speed
  • Rigour
  • Integrity
  • Clientele
  • Excellence

How to  do this ?


By offering our customers results that meet their expectations;

By contributing our knowledge and expertise, we support our clients andfacilitate the success of their projects .

By respecting deadlines and having a thorough knowledge of laws and pro­ cedures, we guarantee our customers a quality service, competitive costs and without delay.  The company promises permanent traceability of the goods as well as transparency in communication
with its customers. 


Our Partners

DOUANACO is committed to building long-term relation­ ships that are mutually beneficial, which is why we thank you for considering us as a partner in your projects.

Afromarkets Commercial, LDA

Angolan company head quartered in Luanda. It specializes in the sale of various products and is present in several African countries including Chad and Cameroon.

Imperial Crown Trade Sa

South African company headquartered in Pretoria. It
specializes in the supply chain of mines and is established in several countries of Southern Africa and New  York.